Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tomorrow is our second scrimmage for soccer, and it is away at Big Spring. I have no idea where that is or how good they are. I just know that we leave class at 1:45 and will only arrive back at the school around 8:37. It looks like our defense is starting to take shape and work well together. Hopefully that carries through to the league games.
I enjoy just about all of my classes, which is awesome. I just can't wait until things settle down a little bit and I have time to hang out with friends outside of school. At this point my schedule is really crazy and I don't have very much free time.
This past summer I was on the 'support staff' for the K-Teams with Eastern Mennonite Missions. What that means is that I helped lead youth groups on inner city missions work in South Allison Hill (Harrisburg), Oxford Circle (Philly), and the Bronx. It was an amazing summer full of awesome relationships, fantastic outreach times, and incredible spiritual growth. I can't wait to see over the next few months where God will lead me from my experience.
I think I decided on a college and major. Which is impressive because normally I am a huge procrastinator, but this time I am actually ahead of the game. Of course, things could change in an instant as they sometimes do. Until then, I am going to pretend that I am going to Eastern University to major in youth ministry and minor in theater. Eastern has an amazing campus and lots of cool opportunities to do stuff. They also seem to have pretty sound and grounded theology which is always a good thing.

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