Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A couple of girls from the soccer team have gotten or are getting surgery this fall. Two more will get surgery this week. Hopefully everything goes well and they can be back on their feet in record time. Today was a pretty crappy day. I don't really know why, except for our loss last night against a rival team. We shouldn't have lost by 3-1. Tomorrow we play LS, who is usually a much better squad than the team we lost to yesterday. It will be a tough, physical game. Coach gave me the Crunch Award, which is sort of like the game ball, but I don't really feel like I earned it. Since I play defence, I'm not satisfied with three goals scored on us. That isn't acceptable against a squad that we can beat. Our offense didn't have a great night either, and our mids didn't control the midfield, so I don't even think anyone should get an award for our performance. The second half went much better, and hopefully the next time we play them we can show them we are for real.

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