Thursday, September 4, 2008

Have you ever had one of those really horrible nights where no matter how much you like a person, you're still a big jerk to them? Well, this was one of those nights for me. We lost 7-0 to Manheim Central, and I got injured. Needless to say, I was pretty upset. So after the game I have a bag of ice in my left hand, and with my right arm I am leaning heavily upon my younger brother, Seth. As we near the opposing sideline of the stadium, someone from the crowd says hi to me. I wasn't in the mood to talk. I gave her attitude and walked away after a brief, 3 or 4 second conversation. In the car on the ride home, I realized that this girl had been in one of the K-Teams I had helped lead. Oh crap is right. Here I am, a role model, and I am a horrible person to her. Talk about making me feel like an idiot. I am the person who was supposedly the one who had it somewhat together, and here I am doing the least Christ-like thing possible. I hate when I let myself down, and I feel like a disgrace to the person I love most when things like that happen. As I am writing this, I am talking to her and apologizing for being an idiot. Fortunately, she is a nice person and is still my friend even after I was a jerk to her. It seems like God picks the least opportune times to test me. Why couldn't He let me run into sometime when I'm having a great day? Oh well, I guess I'll learn more from this than I would have the other way. God, give me strength to love everyone and have the patience to lead a life that Christ can be proud of. That is my prayer tonight.

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