Monday, September 15, 2008

The Steelers always seem to get at least one game each year that is played in hurricane conditions. I don't know why, but it has happened a few times over the past couple of years. Last night was this year's hurricane game. The Steelers played the Browns in Cleveland, and Hurricane Ike was overhead, creating gusts of 35 mph wind. That makes it really difficult to throw the ball. And since both teams knew that the other team would have to run, it was difficult to do anything. The Steelers won though so it's okay.
Tomorrow the soccer team plays ELCO. We don't like them very much, so it would be nice to pull out a win against a rival school. Last year they beat us twice, but hopefully we can turn that around the other way. We beat Pequea Valley 4-0 and they only beat them 1-0, so it looks like we've got a chance.

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