Wednesday, September 10, 2008

For quite a few years, students at my school have been having a coffee shop Bible study before school. The tradition has been passed down from class to class. However, the coffee shop we had been going to closed because of the owner's health. So we finished off the year last year at someone's house instead of the coffee shop. Last year we spent most of our time socializing and not a whole lot of time was spent studying the Bible and praising God. This year things will be different. I am deciding to be responsible for once during my senior year and help to lead this early morning activity. I didn't even really get voted in, I sort of appointed myself and then asked for everyone's consent. So really I'm a dictator for life of this little time with God. Anyway, I was deciding what to do with this next Tuesday's cafe experience when I felt God laying love on my heart. Not erotus, the Greek word for love between a man and woman in marriage(physical). Instead God will be meeting us in a discussion about the kind of unfathomable love that God shows us. The love between a father and son, a mother and daughter. The kind of love that does not ask anything of anyone. Jesus tells us in Matthew that all of the commandments can be summarized into one: love God and your neighbor and yourself. How awesome is that? I can summarize the entire message of how to live a Christian life through a lesson on love. Jesus died for us when we were still sinners. There is no greater love than to be willing to die for someone who is disrespectful to you. In Sparticus, all of the guys are willing to die for their leader because he is an amazing person. But would you or I be able to die for someone who wanted us dead? Would I be able to honestly say that if I would have the chance, I would lay my life down for Adolf Hitler? Jesus did that. He died for us all. Hitler did awful things, and Christ loved him anyway. This unconditional love is incredible also in its infinite proportions. The love of Christ does not give us a certain amount of chances until we're done and doomed to hell. God gives us infinite, unconditional forgiveness through his incredible, unfathomable love. That is why love is the purest motivation for everything we do. It's late and i need to get to sleep, but God is good, and He loves us where we are at. And if we only remember one thing when we relate to other people, it should be the words from a Shaun Groves song. "When we love the least, we love Jesus." When we love those who annoy us, we love God. Keep that in mind the next time you want to flip out on someone. That is a challenge for me everyday. Okay, enough rambling. Peace in Christ who loves and died for all.

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