Thursday, October 23, 2008

We tried to get onto this one website, and it didn't work because it was blocked. So that isn't cool. And now I am blogging. Because Mr. Miller is doing relaxation techniques. Deaven brought cookies in today. I didn't eat one yet. Maybe I will. I don't know. The Phillies won last night. That is a really good thing. I am happy about that. People bother me. Just saying. I guess I shouldn't say too much more or I could get myself in trouble. Larry Johnson isn't playing this Sunday to give him a chance to get his life back on track. Because he says he wants to. We'll see if that actually happens. It would be nice to see a professional sports star do the right thing for once. Mr. Miller is writing about us on the smart board. This is a good class. I like it a lot.

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