Wednesday, October 22, 2008


One of the most amazing couples in that I know are going through a tough time in their life. This couple got married a few years ago, and they were the picture perfect couple. It appeared that they were destined for a lifelong marriage of incredible closeness and friendship. Less than one year later, Jen began having grandma seizures. Debilitating seizures that left her unable to function. Ryan stood by her every step of the way. He carried her around the house, did all the laundry and dishes after working a full time job. She couldn't even do her work, she had to stay home. It was a tough time, but Ryan stuck by her and supported her in every way. About six months ago Jen had surgery and the part of her brain that was supposedly causing the seizures was taken out. The procedure can never be repeated. In July she had another huge seizure, and two weeks ago she had yet another one. The surgery was an extreme one; they didn't know what they would do if the surgery didn't work. And now she is having more problems. Ryan is working a full-time job at EMM as the head of DM. And it is really hard for him to go through this with his wife, and to see her suffer so much. It doesn't make sense to me. WHY DO THINGS LIKE THIS HAPPEN?

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