Monday, November 17, 2008

I don't know why I just can't let go. It would be so much easier just to forget for a little while. Instead I sit here. Miserable. Waiting for something to happen, but realizing there's a good chance nothing will. For some strange reason, something is holding me in place. I don't know who or how or why. I just know that for some reason I can't take it that far. Someday maybe I'll understand why things are like this right now, but until then it is driving me crazy. I don't think I've ever lied to more people in my life. I lied to everyone today. Of course, now they can see it anyway, but that's okay because it is probably only the people who actually care who would randomly look on here. Everyone asked what was wrong. I said nothing. I'm just tired from the weekend. It couldn't be further from the truth. It has just been one of those days. And I don't know when things will get better. But I will put on a happy face, cause that's what the world wants to see. That's what people expect of me. Maybe not everyone, but alot of people think I've got it all together. Well, my newsflash for the day is that I don't have it all together.

The Steelers won yesterday.

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