Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I think I'm going to go see the new James Bond movie at some point over the next week or two. it looks decent. I don't think he is my favorite Bond, but he is better than most of them. I don't know when I'm going to find time to see it, but I have someone to see it with. So I'll just have to figure out a time that works.
Looking for the best possible outcome is usually good, right? Or is that just asking for failure? If the standards are set too high, will self-esteem go down as a result of the failed attempt at a high goal? Maybe it's better just to leave the standards low, so that it comes as a nice surprise when success comes. But if high goals aren't being sought after, is it possible for us to reach that level of success at all? I don't know. I personally fall on one side in some areas and on the other side in other areas.

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