Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I just saw a YouTube video about Oprah and her religious views. Oprah was quoted saying something to the effect of 'One of the biggest mistakes humans make is to think they know the only way.' She commented that there were people in the far reaches of the world who may never have heard of Jesus, so for them there is another way to get to God. It's a very post-modern viewpoint, and it seems really wrong according to Christian beliefs. In the quote she was saying that whatever way works for you is the right thing for you to believe. She raises a good question for those people who do not have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. She went on to take the question a step too far, potentially. So at this point I can see the possible concern, but I can also see a bit of Oprah's point. But the video goes on to make it political. It brought it Obama, and made it look like he also was post-modern to the extreme. And that really bugged me because not all Republicans are Christians and not all Democrats are non-Christians. That is far from the truth, and it is a stereotype that bugs me to no end. Okay, I say to myself, this is just some conservative Republican trying to bash Obama by taking down anyone who agrees with him (this was posted before the election). But the video isn't over yet. It goes on to compare both Obama and Oprah to the KoolAid Cult of Jim Jones. I couldn't believe it. I would put it down to politics again, but are you serious? Have things gone that far? Even John McCain and George Bush would be offended by this. It's okay, even good, to disagree with one another. That's what makes this country so great. But for real, putting Obama and Oprah down as cult leaders might be a bit far. While I may not agree with Oprah's apparent religious beliefs, she is concerned with the wellbeing of people, unlike Jim Jones who was only concerned with his own power. I am really tired or I would go on about this for a while longer. If you want to discuss it with me, let me know. I would be more then glad to have a discussion about it.

1 comment:

Mr. Miller said...

If there ever was a new age prophetess, it's Oprah, and that's all I'm saying.